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学名:Phaonia quadratilamella
Body length 6.0?6.2 mm. Head. Eyes covered with slightly sparse long ciliae; frons ≈1.5× than width of anterior ocellus; frontal vitta black, ≈1/2 of width of one side frons; fr 11?12 pairs, upper 5–6 pairs distinctly short and shorter than length of ciliae on eyes; ors absent, fronto-orbital plate, parafacial and gena with light gray pruinosity, parafacial about equal to width of antenna; lunule dark brown; antenna black, flagellomere 1 ≈2.5× as long as wide; arista long plumose, the longest hairs ≈1.3× than width of antenna; epistoma behind frontal angle; anterior margin of gena with 1 row of upcurved setae, genal height ≈1/3 of eye height; genal, postgena and occiput hairs all black; prementum with pruinosity, ≈2.5× as long as height; palpus black, ≈1.2× than length of prementum. Thorax. Black in background color, covered with sparse pruinosity, slightly shifting; with light narrow pruinosity strip along dc row, others black; acr 0+1; dc 2+4, ial 0+2, pra ≈1.5× as long as posterior notopleural seta; notopleuron with short hairs, scutellum the flank and lower part bare; basisternum of prosternum, proepisternum concavity, anepisteron, katepimeron and meron all bare; upper proepisternal seta 1, katepisternal seta 1+2. Wings. Brown in background color, veins fuscous; basicosta dark brown; costal spine short and small; subcosta bend as a bow; radial node bare; r4+5 and m1+2 veins straight, slightly depart from each other on distal part; the surrounding of r-m and dm-cu crossveins uncloud; calypteres yellow, lower calypter extrudes as ligule; halteres brown?yellow. Legs. Entirely black; fore tibia without medial p; mid femur without av , with 5–6 pv on basal 3/5; mid tibia with 3 p, 2 pv; hind femur av irregular, with thin seta-like pv on distal 2/3, middle 4-5 slightly long, longer than diameter of hind femur; hind tibia with 3 av , 2 ad, 1 long and large pd near distal part, and 1–2 short pd on basal part, without apical pv; the length of tarsi longer than tibiae, claws and pulvillus equal length, ≈2/3 than length of tarsomere 5. Abdomen. Black in background color, oviorm in dorsal view, with light gray to blue?gray dense pruinosity, without shifting patch, pruinosity slightly sparse in posterior, slightly shifting; tergite 2?5 with medium black narrow vittae; tergite 4 and 5 with complete posposterior marginal setae row and 3–4 pairs of discal setae; tergite 3 with short posterior marginal setae in the middle, like body hairs; sternite 1 bare, sternite 5 quadrate, lateral lobe with 3–4 long setae; the inner projecting of cercus wide and large. Female. Unknown.